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in BI by (11.1k points)
How can I activate Power BI Full screen mode in edge using  Power Shell

1 Answer

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by (22.5k points)
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Follow the code below:

//Open IE Browser
$IE=new-object -com internetexplorer.application
//navigate the website.
$IE.navigate2("website url")

//Open IE in Fullscreen
$IE.FullScreen = $true

// find the hyperlink 
$fs = $IE.document.getElementsByClassName('glyphicon glyph-small pbi-glyph-fullscreen') | Select-Object -First 1

//click the button to open the powerbi report
    * This assumes you have added MicrosoftWebDriver.exe to your System Path.
    * For help on adding an exe to your System Path, please see:
    static void Main(string[] args)
        /* You can find the latest version of Microsoft WebDriver here:
        var driver = new EdgeDriver();

        // Navigate to Bing
        driver.Url = "";

        // Find the search box and query for webdriver
        var element = driver.FindElementById("sb_form_q");




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