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in Python by (16.4k points)

Have a look at the below code, which will check whether a word is palindrome or not.

str = input("Enter the string")

l = len(str)

p = l-1

index = 0

while index < p:

    if str[index] == str[p]:

        index = index + 1

        p = p-1

        print("String is a palindrome")



        print("string is not a palindrome")

On the off chance that a word is inputted, for instance, I need the program to check whether this word is a palindrome and give yield as "The given word is a palindrome". 

However, I'm confronting a difficulty that, the program checks first r and r and prints "The given word is a palindrome" and afterward checks o and o and prints "The given word is a palindrome". It prints the outcome the same number of times as it is checking the word. 

I need the outcome to be conveyed just a single time. How to change the code?

1 Answer

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by (26.4k points)

Try the following code:

string_to_check = input("Enter a string")

if string_to_check == string_to_check[::-1]:

    print("This is a palindrome")


    print("This is not a palindrome"

Here, I'm just reversing it, then comparing it with the original

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