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in Python by (16.4k points)

I have a test report and in that report, I just need to match all the lines which contain "Not Ok" words. See, let this be the example line of the text:

'Test result 1: Not Ok -31.08'

Now when I tried giving,

filter1 = re.compile("Not Ok")

for line in myfile:                                     

    if filter1.match(line): 

       print line

I didn't get any output. Can anyone tell me, what went wrong in the above code?

1 Answer

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by (26.4k points)
edited by

In your code, you have to make a few changes

You have to replace re.match with

The reason is, search() helps you to locate a match anywhere in a string

If you want the exact word 'Not Ok' then you can use \b word boundaries, else if you want a substring 'Not ok', then you can simply use,

if 'Not Ok' in string

>>> strs = 'Test result 1: Not Ok -31.08'

>>>'\bNot Ok\b',strs).group(0)

'Not Ok'

>>> match ='\bNot Ok\b',strs)

>>> if match:

...     print "Found"

... else:

...     print "Not Found"



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